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Firefighter Emotional Wellness


“By sharing personal stories of her clients’ emotional wellness struggles, Jada Hudson takes away the stigma of talking about things like depression, anxiety, addiction, suicidal ideation,” said Dr. Thomas E. Joiner, an academic psychologist, author, and professor of psychology at Florida State University. “Firefighter Emotional Wellness: Reconnecting with Yourself and Others is a must-read for every academy recruit, newlywed, leader, retiree, spouse, and individual who wants to become or remain emotionally well.”


“Jada Hudson’s years of critically important work with counseling first responders have come full circle in this book. Her insight, guidance, and examination of the issues facing the men and women on the front lines are both remarkable and humbling. This book should be a must-read for any first responder or medical professional.”

Dr. Robert Langman, Northwestern Medicine, Chicago


“I highly recommend this book for first responders, peer support programs, chaplains, and clinicians,” said Dr. Joel Fay, who teaches intervention, case law, PTSD, Suicide by Cop, and Self Care for Sacramento PD CIT. “Jada Hudson brings a considerable wealth of information regarding the mental health and treatment of first responders. She covers a broad range of topics, including PTSD, suicide, stress and trauma, resiliency, and treatment. She shares her professional knowledge and writes from her personal experience and the book is richer for it.”


“Jada Hudson draws upon her personal and professional experience as well as research and theory in writing Firefighter Emotional Wellness, a book that is timely and important,” Dr. Stanley McCracken, author and lecturer (ret.), The University of Chicago. “Just as first responders drill to prepare them for the physical demands of their jobs, reading this book should be considered a preparation for the emotional demands they will face.”


"5.0 out of 5 stars Powerful, Insightful, Motivating. This book is an absolute resource for every first responder family- not just firefighters. I loved how the book was laid out so that each chapter focuses on separate emotional wellness struggles. The stories of Jada’s clients were really helpful, so I could see how this plays out in other people's lives, and I loved the reflection questions at the end of each chapter. This helped me understand the first responders in my life and, really, the struggle a lot of men go through. I would absolutely hand this book to every one of my guy friends as well as my husband. Definitely read every single page!"

Lori Seed, Amazon Reviewer


"The author clearly has a lot of experience working with Firefighters and combines that with mental health and suicide prevention by researching her topic fully. An excellent book that should be in every fire department. Thomas Joiner’s theories are integrated into the book, and he is a specialist in suicide and who is at risk. Written in an engaging style and I felt I had learned so much reading this book. I recommend this book highly." Dr. Marla Friedman


"This is an outstanding resource for all 1st Responders! This is one of the best books I have read (over many years of research and reading dozens of top 1st responder mental/emotional health books) on this topic! Jada has done an excellent job of covering all of the most important topics that are relevant to what 1st responders and their families will likely face in a clear, concise, and interesting manner; one that not only educates the reader but also provides them with tools and techniques that can help them to address their various challenges and issues.

This is an excellent read and a book that I will now be recommending to the people and teams to whom we provide peer support and critical incident stress debriefings, as well as to all of the students who attend our 1st responder resiliency classes.

Additionally, I would highly recommend this to all 1st responder agencies who have peer support teams or are in the process of developing peer support teams." DJR, Amazon Reviewer

Jada Hudson

Jada takes away the stigma of talking about things like depression, anxiety, addiction, and suicidal ideation.


 – Dr. Thomas E. Joiner, Florida State University.


To begin your journey with Jada, please call us at 630-815-3735, or contact us to make an appointment.

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316 W. Roosevelt Rd.

Wheaton, IL 60187

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