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First Responder Counseling

“Specialized first responder counseling equips people with extraordinarily demanding occupations with the skills they need to prosper in both their professional and personal lives.” –Jada Hudson


First responder counseling can help you with the special occupational stress and trauma you experience on the job so you can manage life’s changes and emotional difficulties. You’ll actively participate in therapy, learning and putting into practice healing techniques and plans tailored to your unique needs. Warm, safe, and judgment-free experiences guide you to a deeper understanding of things as you adopt healthy behaviors resulting in a happier, more in-tune life and work experience.


A Note from Jada


First responders have my utmost respect. Society holds them and their colleagues in the highest regard, but many hide secret pain and inner turmoil no one knows about. First responder families must often feel confused and isolated trying to support them; they must feel very alone sometimes. I know my love for the first responders in my family raised my concern over the unique pain and unaddressed challenges they experience. It launched me on a quest to learn ways to help make their lives balanced and happier.


When a first responder gets out of balance, it usually affects more than one area of life because emotional wellness issues are often interconnected. For example, people who struggle with anger are often also depressed. Likewise, people struggling with traumatic memories are likelier to seek escape via substances. But, like the many challenges first responders face, there are several ways to help them design the emotionally healthy lives they want through counseling.


I’ve spent countless hours with first responders and people who work with them and love them, deeply examining their experiences, minds, and hearts. My thirst for education and training leaves no stone unturned as I learn strategies to help first responders and their families thrive.


Clients say they appreciate my understanding, down-to-earth nature, and attitude that we’re in this together. I am direct but non-judgmental. Warm but professional. Inclusive and accepting. Available and caring.


It’s an honor to guide people who devote their lives to others on their unique path to wellness. I look forward to helping you find yours.


Firefighter Emotional Wellness: How to Reconnect with Yourself and Others 


First Responder Counseling Specialties include:



Read about Jada's training and experience here



I respect that when first responders need to talk, they often need to speak with someone immediately. That’s why I prioritize meeting with you as soon as possible when a need arises. I also pledge to keep myself current in the latest research for first responder emotional wellness.

Thinking Man on Couch


Are You Afraid to Be Alone with Your Thoughts?

Listen as Jada shares her insight with the Code3 Podcast into why first responders stay busy at work and around the house, in order to avoid facing their thoughts.

Sunset Run


When Firefighters

Are Too Busy

Jada gives advice to first responders about the importance of balancing free time, not being afraid to be alone, and allowing time for self care and healing.



First Responder

Leadership & PTSD

As seen in Fire Engineering, Jada describes the influence that can be had over subordinates to prepare them, lead them, and help them cope with PTEs.

“As a firefighter, I was referred to Jada because of her specialty as a firefighter counselor. She provided thoughtful, patient, guided therapy that helps me achieve greater self-awareness as we work through my depression, anxiety and relationship problems.”


Male, 32 years old, firefighter


To begin your journey with Jada, please call us at 630-815-3735, or contact us to make an appointment.

Hudson Clinical Counseling Logo

316 W. Roosevelt Rd.

Wheaton, IL 60187

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